An Integral View on Money and Financial Crashes

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An Integral View on Money and Financial Crashes
Auteur(s): Bernard Lietaer
Taal: Engels
Type: Artikel
Trefwoorden: geld, crisis, bankieren, bankcrisis, systemen, integraal, holistisch
Pagina's: 31
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There are many ways to approach as complex a topic as money or a financial crash. An integral view would require it to be approached from both the inner and the outer viewpoints. Such inner and outer dimensions of reality are synthetically summarized in Ken Wilber’s classical four quadrant analysis.All fields of knowledge are classified by distinguishing between the Interior (the domains where the aim is the interpretation of meaning) vs. the Exterior dimensions (where the purpose is description of behavior). This approach is completed by distinguishing between the Individual vs. the Collective aspects.