Michael Bierut

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Michael Bierut
Trefwoorden: design, ontwerp, marketing, identity, creativity

Michael Bierut heeft de volgende publikaties op zijn of haar naam staan:

Voor meer informatie zie het Wikipedia-artikel "Michael Bierut"

From: VizThink Blog » Blog Archive » Michael Bierut: 5 Design Secrets from 86 Notebooks:

  1. Listen first, then design
  2. Don’t avoid the obvious
  3. The problem contains the solution
    • New York Times building sign
  4. Indulge your obsessions
    • E.g. MAD font and alphabet of squares and circles for Museum of Arts and Design.
    • Go for it and work it out.
  5. Love is the answer
    • Remember who you're doing it for
    • Remember why you do it
    • And then you'll always be happy, I assure you.
    • E.g. void space above upper shelf of kids L!BRARY filled iwth kids faces